My dad told me yesterday that he's going to Detroit in March with my uncle. What he doesn't know is that I'm going with them.
I've already checked flights and stuff, so I'll be going on March 19th and be back on the 29th. I'll be flying on my own from London to Detroit, which is a bit scary but I'll do it cause it's cheaper like that. It'll only cost me about £400! Which is bloody cheap. That's like a week at work for me, and I've been working for three this Christmas so I should be alright! And I'll also get my CSN before that, so I can just use some of that money as well. The hard part is explaining to my dad that I'm going. He's gonna say no a thousand times. Because he thinks that I can't afford it, but I don't care. I've worked my arse off this Christmas, and I'm paying for it myself so I'm definitely going! He can't stop me.


I'm 80% sure what I want to do this year. First off, back to London to finish off this year of uni. And then back home to Sweden for the summer to work my arse off & get my drivers licence. After that I want to go to America, California to be exact, to work as an Au Pair for a year.
I want to go to America so bad, I miss it loads. I like almost everything about it. I've never been in California, but it's first on my "places I want to go to" list. And how perfect would it be to spend a whole year there?

What a year. What an amazing new years eve. Spent with some of my best friends. I've known these people for many years now. I love them. A lot.
Started off with me & Bella behind the bar making cocktails for everyone. Was good to be back behind the bar, especially with her. From there, we all got smashed, danced our arses off and we all got loads of new years kisses.
One of the best new years eve parties, ever. Thank you everyone!


YEAR 2010.
Yeah, I moved to London, worked as a bartender and started university.
2. Did you keep your new years resolutions?
It was to meet McFly at least 5 times this year, and yeahhh I did that.
3. Did any of your friends become a parent this year?
No, not this year.
4. What countries did you visit?
New Zealand in the beginning of the year and then just England.
5. Was there anything missing in year 2010 that you want in 2011?
Not that I can think of now.
6. What dates from 2010 are you going to remember the most?
20/3 - Third time meeting the twins, and they knew my name.
4/4 - Moved to London.
5/7 - McFly & Twenty Twenty in Wigan.
8/10 - First time I met One Direction.
16/10 - John called me a bitch on his birthday, haha.
7. Your biggest success in 2010?
Moved to London on my own.
8. Biggest mistake?
Not taking Uni seriously.
9. Best thing you bought?
Concert tickets, train journeys, my baseball jacket, high-waisted shorts and my Justin Bieber meet and greet.
10. What did you spend the most money on?
Concert tickets & travel.
11. Did anything make you really happy?
Yes. My best friends, twins, The Wanted, Louis Tomlinson, Alex Murdoch and McFly.
12. What songs will always remind you of 2010?
Viva La Vida, cause One Direction sang it the first week of the X Factor.
All Time Low & Heart Vacancy, cause I found the amazing band that is The Wanted.
Shine A Light, cause I was on the videoshoot for this song with McFly.
13. Were you happier or more sad this year than last year?
Lol, probably just as happy as last year.
14. What do you wish you had done more of this year?
Gone to more lectures & seminar at uni, saved more money & gone to Ireland for the twins tour.
15. What do you wish you had done less of this year?
Spending money on useless stuff.
16. Did you fall in love this year?
No, but I really fancy a guy I talk to right now.
17. Favourite TV show?
Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, One Tree Hill & X Factor.
18. Best book you've read this year?
19. Biggest musical discovery?
The Wanted, Twenty Twenty & One Direction.
20. Anything you asked for and got for your birthday?
21. Something you asked for but didn't get?
Can't remember.
22. What did you do on your birthday 2010?
I spent it sitting in a queue in Manchester with my best friends and then we saw McFly in concert!
23. Anything that could've made your year even better?
If I'd met Varsity Fanclub, and if I'd gone to America.
24. What celeb did you like the most?
Louis Tomlinson, John Grimes, Alex Murdoch, Nathan Sykes, Sonny Watson-Lang, Danny Jones, Joe McElderry & Jeff Brazier.
25. Who did you miss?
Probably my family & friends in Sweden.
26. The best new friends you met?
Cherelle, Callsuma, Sophie, Harvii, Lauren Drake, Jemma, Grace, Bridey, Abi, Jenii, Elliebek, Emily Heria, Heather, Natalie, Lauren, Jess, Ellie, Kadra, Emily, Jehan, Angelica, Diana, Bethany Timms X and so on.
All in all, an incredible year.
I did change my header yesterday though! WHOPWHOP. It's simple, but I like it. Just need to add a photo of myself just over the category bit on the side. Will do that later today probably! The quote in my header now is from the song 'When I look at you' by Miley Cyrus. One of my favourite artists! She's amazing & the most beautiful girl ever. If I could look like anyone, it would be her. Just look at her!

This makes me so happy to see. I'm going to see Justin Bieber in March! On my own, but I don't care. First time ever seeing The Biebs, will be soooo good. There's also a HUGE + that Willow Smith is supporting him, absolutely wicked!
Me with Justin at his booksigning in London.
I cried afterwards. Nice.

Feels good to wake up to an email like this.


Just got a tweet from the twins.
I love them, but sometimes I hate them.
Can they stop making fun of me please?

Sat at work right now, bored as fuck. I do have stuff to do, but I just can't be arsed to be honest. Will probaby only work until like 1 today, so it will be a good day! Then tomorrow it's Christmas Eve, and it's time for us swedish people to open presents and eat amazing food. I can't bloody wait! Cause last Christmas, my family and I were in New Zealand so we didn't get our amazing swedish food, no proper Christmas. But I did go swimming in the ocean, so that was pretty cool! I do miss it, and I want to go back. But I need a proper Christmas with the food and snow, even though I hate snow!
I should really get back to work now, I have a deadline at 10 soooo.

Not done anything today, and it's been nice. Right now, I've got a wasp sitting in the sofa next to me. He's actually quite nice, he's just sitting there. Not doing any harm. Funny thing is, I'm not even lying. There's a wasp sitting next to me! Hahahaha :')
Going shopping for a bit with my mum now, then I think we're going to grab some dinner down town as well which will be good! :) I'm hoping for thaifoooood. Cause Västerås (my hometown) has got the best thaifood in the world. THAT'S A FACT!
But yeah, not such an eventful day. I hope everyone's having a better time than I do today, cause I've been BORED! To say the least.
This is a view of my hometown! Looks nice, ey? Well, don't even come here. IT'S BORING!
It feels so weird not having a loud Lauren next to you on the sofa.
It feels so weird not having back aches for ages after falling asleep while watching 'Chucky' on the sofa at Lauren's house.
It feels so weird not screaming "OMG IT'S HEATHER JEDWARD!!!" almost every other day.
It feels so weird not being able to explain how to get to a certain place to the thick but AWESOME Jeniireaves!
It feels so weird not having Abi go "Matilda, my swedish beaut. I love you." while winking at me.
It feels so weird not seeing Cherelle spray deodorant between her legs while waiting for The Wanted.
It feels so weird not having Sophie fail at "Head down, thumbs up"!
It feels so weird not having Emily put make-up on every other second.
It feels so werid not having Elliebek make some lame joke all the time.
It feels so weird not seeing Rojan walk with a limp and not having to wait for her.

There's also two other girls I miss an awful lot.
I miss having Megs bum in my face when I wake up in the morning.
I miss being well freaked out about hearing Bethany's hearing-thingy make weird noises when I'm about to sleep.
I just want to see all of you guys asap. I miss you so much! Didn't think it was possible to miss friend's this much. IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY!


Just sat in the sofa watching Desperate Housewives right now, just made myself a smoothie. Life is alright. I WANT LONDON BACK THOUGH! Haha, I should really stop complaining now. I will be back in London in three weeks, but that's three weeks too long. Oh well, should just enjoy the time I have at home with my parents and my friends.
Oh well, saturday was fun. It was my sisters bday party. Here's a few pics of me and my sister from that night! :)
Haha good times, we look like fucking freaks in that last one, but what the hell! ;)
Last night was good fun as well! Was good being back with my old crew! haha, I've missed the girls here quite a lot. So it's always good to be back with them!
I love black eyemake-up. Mine was shit, but whatever!
Btw, MY NOSE IS HUGE! haha.
Heading out now, to visit my friend at work with some other friends.
Just got back from a night in town. It's been a good night with my old mates, but I really do feel that I belong in London. I don't want to be here anymore. I could go back tomorrow, but I have NO money. I have a flight ticket back to London tomorrow. I really wanna go. I really, really do. But I can't! :( I've got too much stuff to do back here before I can return HOME. Home to my best friends, I just miss them too much at the moment! But I guess I'll survive a few more weeks here in Sweden..
But yeah, it's been a good night. Can't wait to sleep now though, will be so so good! Just crawl into bed and rest for a while. Up pretty early tomorrow to go with my friend Sofie to visit my other friend Emelie at her job! :) I've never been there before so should be cool. I'm obsessed with Eminem and Professor Green right now. WTF is wrong with me? I'm a pop princess!!! Haha, it feels so weird listening to Eminem without Lauren though. But it reminds me of her and all the good times so that makes me smile a lot. Which is good i guess.
I should really stop writing now so that I can just jump into bed and sleeeeeeeeeee .. ZzZzZzZzZZzZzZzZzZzZz!
This blog will be mainly about my everyday life, but i will also post stuff like music that i like, films that caught my eye and i will post all the adventures that goes on in my life. Most of you probably already know that i love to meet my favourite celebrities. Such as the 4 bands in my header!
We've got The Wanted, a new british boyband, who i first heard about when i was at soccer six with my best friend megan. I've now met them around 15 times and trust me, there's more to come.
John&Edward, twin duo from last series of X Factor. I've met them more times than I can remember now, but it's probably something around 50-60 times i'd say. they're my 2 favourite people in the world, they're amazing.
McFly, my love for them is still alive, probably more than ever. I've met them a couple of times as well, probably around 10 times. Danny remembers me now and to be honest, that's all i want.
Twenty Twenty, they're a band i first saw/heard about at the Selena Gomez gig back in April. They were supporting her and i just fell in love straight away. I've met them about 6 times now, but Sonny already know who i am!
Well, yeah. I will probably update this blog as much as possible. But you have to bare with me if i don't update it as much as i would like, cause i'm pretty shit with this whole blog thingy. And it will be worse when i go back to london!
Hope you like this so far and that you'll stay around to experience all the crazy adventures with me.