My dad told me yesterday that he's going to Detroit in March with my uncle. What he doesn't know is that I'm going with them.
I've already checked flights and stuff, so I'll be going on March 19th and be back on the 29th. I'll be flying on my own from London to Detroit, which is a bit scary but I'll do it cause it's cheaper like that. It'll only cost me about £400! Which is bloody cheap. That's like a week at work for me, and I've been working for three this Christmas so I should be alright! And I'll also get my CSN before that, so I can just use some of that money as well. The hard part is explaining to my dad that I'm going. He's gonna say no a thousand times. Because he thinks that I can't afford it, but I don't care. I've worked my arse off this Christmas, and I'm paying for it myself so I'm definitely going! He can't stop me.